Developing Learning Skills, Emotional Confidence and Intelligence through musical studies is a cornerstone of our teaching strategies.
What to prepare for Musical ABC:
Dear Parents,
Please buy following items for Musical ABC class:
- 3-ring binder. 1″ size is sufficient. Bring binder to each class along with their homework inside it.
- One Divider-Pocket for the binder with open top for easy loading, similar to these: . Please do not insert more then ONE pocket for easy use.
- 3 hole punch for using at home
We start each class with homework discussion. Students love receiving fun new homework pages at the end of each class!
At home help your child to organize pages in order. Disorganized pages make it more difficult for student to enjoy homework discussions.
How to put Homework pages in the right order:
- Punch holes on the top of the pages, not on the bottom to allow students to flip pages easily during the class.
- Every week insert the new homework on top of the previous one, so students can easily find the latest homework when opening the folder (homework #2 will be on top of #1)
- Do not remove staples from new homework, so lessons stay separated within the folder.
I am looking forward to a new session!
Svetlana Ostrovskaya, Musical ABC teacher